Sunday, March 9, 2014

Internet Security and Whom Should You Trust

Internet Security and Whom Should You Trust

Internet security is all about trust at a distance. That is because you are dealing with everyone remotely and not able to confirm identity or authenticity in the traditional sense. Even with secure connections, encryption, and the various other authentication schemes there is always a way to spoof identity, provide forged documents or credentials, hold computers and servers hostage to “ransom ware” or allow cyber-criminals to be whoever they want to be.
If you are a business or government entity you should know about what the OTA is working to accomplish because it might help protect your digital environment from a variety of threats and the potential for a costly data breach.

Data Protection and Breach Readiness Planning: This is one of OTA’s critical missions because of the negative impact and liability such occurrences can cause. They have developed a comprehensive guide to enhance data protection practices, and preparation for incidents before they occur;

  • ·         International Issues: The Internet is global which means that users, regardless of geographical boundaries must be able to trust sessions and interactions with others across the web. OTA is promoting partnerships with major stakeholders throughout the world;
  • ·         Privacy: Especially in the European Union, there is a greater focus on the control, collection, use and sharing of consumer data. The Online Trust Alliance is working to protect consumers in this regard;
  • ·         Education: The organization is developing programs to provide relevant and actionable advice and training to assist in protecting online brands, intellectual property, and those using the Internet;
  • ·         Public Policy: The OTA interfaces with industry, business, consumer groups and government to develop self-regulation, legislation, and best practices.

The article is available at:

My Opinion:

I am supportive for online marketing but I'm not so big fan of paying online. I can see that online marketing is very economic tool of being globally visible however, and in order of paying online the seller is inquiring about so many personal data that is not convenience for everyone. Online payments have no guaranteed of security if you are one time buyer or regular customer. I will propose to shop online but payments through wire-transfer or directly by internet banking in order of the highest fishing and fraud security tools that its available more for banking than online payment.

Financial relationship is always the most important task to satisfy own interest and your customers and inappropriate of this particular operation will indeed cost the business huge negative impact based on lack of trust. But on the other hand, big organization they do it correct through the online security programs that cause a huge invest but as well make a huge return on the invest.

My inquiry:

· Security online payment programs will develop to be 100% secure?
· Does all organizations and online business are willing to invest in such security programs? 


  1. I think linking your bank account to SMS generating information will be good idea for more control over personal account.

  2. This is SMS is very effective method specially by the Russian banks. I hope this will become more worldwide trend for all banks.
