Saturday, March 8, 2014

Academic Blog

In business, it is common to use a blog as a means to communicate, engage and build loyalty with internal 

and external stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers). 

Dear all,

I believe that some of you already checked my blog, here is the purpose to create the blog, it is internet marketing class and the purpose is academic in order to practice and analyse from your valuable comments, experiences  and recommendations regarding internet marketing and the published articles.

You can agree and you can disagree with the article and if you have better idea it will be even beneficial for me to learn from it.

Thank you in advance for assisting with the project by sharing your thoughts and your knowledge of the subject.

Kind regards, 


Here is my first topic to share with you, it is regarding the elements of internet marketing, below is an article which is talking about the 10 Must-Have Elements Of Successful Online Marketing.

  1. Design Matters 
  2. Strategic Content 
  3. Give Things Away 
  4. Make It Simple 
  5. Teach Your Visitors 
  6. Nurture, Support and Encourage 
  7. SEO 
  8. Make Google Happy 
  9. Find Out What Works 
  10. Expand Your Circle Of Influence

My Opinion:

I can see the article is very supportive for the internet marketing if you are planning to launch new online business, if you are part of business organization and you want to promote your business in terms of visibility, product awareness, customers’ service and proper measurements of the website visitors in order to build demand and proper marketing strategy.

However, the other part of the opinion is people still thinks that the traditional marketing with physical materials, billboards and direct email are more effective with segments.

My inquiry:

  • What do you think about theses 10 super elements? 
  • Is it really the best that could exist?
  • Traditional marketing will be always available?

Please let me know your opinion and thoughts regarding the mentioned above.

Thank you



  1. Hello,

    Marketing online allows you to track real-time results using online analytics to make a determination on how your marketing campaign is performing. There are ways to track traditional marketing efforts, but most the time it cannot be done in real-time. This can mean success or failure to your campaign.

    1. Yes it's absolutely right, I agree that it is on of many benefits that internet can provide the growing business or even new business launching. However, I guess internet marketing is not everything until now and traditional marketing tools still in the game even with higher financial value.

  2. Internet Marketing is the future of marketing with no doubt !!

    1. Not really, there are many factors to handle.

  3. Still much things to do, how about online blackout?

  4. Emails is very effective for internet marketing

  5. Pouzivam internetovy marketing nekolikrat tydne. Velice usnadni praci v mem oboru.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Real-time reply and communication is the trend in such fast base life style among all social media.

  6. The most important elements of great web design are:

    1. Visual Hierarchy
    2. Effortless Navigation
    3. Readable Typography
    4. Supporting Graphics tools
    5. Page aim

  7. The aim of simple website orientation is having customers that they are not website engineering as well. Simple purchasing guide will increase the purchasing process and payments process as secure and easily to submit as creating heavily footprint and creating product demand.

  8. Does really social media support researchers to achieve any results?

  9. Any advice regarding how to drive more effective blogger, is Google good enough for online communications?

  10. Blogs is not so much effective method in order of driving business, I will suggest participate in some more business social media liek LinkedIn ..

    Good luck :)

    1. Well, thank you very much, however it is always depends on the nature of the business. If it is something needs explanation and details or some visual effect could be enough ! Good point anyway :)
