Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Interactive Order Processing

Interactive Order Processing is basic for e -commerce in order to be presented online businesses to customer’s authentic brands, easy services; practical purpose of e-commerce organized the whole process with specific order.

Selecting the right product is one of the most important points. Knowing marketing and creating the persona for our products are initial points. Persona profile has to be correct created with sense about customer’s demands and standards for buying and their values about products.

We need to estimate their awareness about brand .From the beginning of buying process we have potential customers-they browse ,the next action is shopping and we have to be prepared for action because number of potential customers is going to drop till buying. How many real buyer we will get depends on it how strong and quality are our actions and communication with customers.

This point of creating customers persona couldn't be strict and we have to count on it that customers also are not strict in needs and wants. This is just important for our orientation but not strict. Another point is how customers are able to buy and pay something.

Very important is making difference between niche marketing and general market. We can say that our service or product is for everybody but we have to make segments according to characteristics of our products and to target some group of customers. There is necessary great communication and feedback from customers.

Making satisfaction of target users is very hard. We need to remove barriers for online shopping. We need to make in order processing many steps: promotions, creating customers trust and loyalty, making product easy find ability, making easy customers decision making with easy registration option.

The article available at:

My Opinion:

After good marketing pan and strategy, the time to publish, create demand and sell must show up and proper tools will make this process such an amazing enjoyable task for seller and buyer. However, it should be based hi-tech technology that must be secure in terms of personal data and online payment.

The purchasing funnel is very clear process and doesn't require much to understand in depth. Strong browse engine, will direct to shopping process which should be easy to figure out for non IT expert with no additional fee tricks, then the buying method which including payments and delivery.

Out of these three basics you can’t be online leader and the business will be ignored, moreover, never publish sold items, not available items unless it is new products. Buyers are not interesting about your financial income but are more interesting about their financial expenses.

1.      Strong browser engine
2.      Easy shopping and items available, easy to find
3.      Streamline checkout including seamless time of registration.

My Inquiry:
Does internet shopping will remain as favorite for all products?
Do you think soon we will become more virtual shopping than physical shopping?

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Internet Security and Whom Should You Trust

Internet Security and Whom Should You Trust

Internet security is all about trust at a distance. That is because you are dealing with everyone remotely and not able to confirm identity or authenticity in the traditional sense. Even with secure connections, encryption, and the various other authentication schemes there is always a way to spoof identity, provide forged documents or credentials, hold computers and servers hostage to “ransom ware” or allow cyber-criminals to be whoever they want to be.
If you are a business or government entity you should know about what the OTA is working to accomplish because it might help protect your digital environment from a variety of threats and the potential for a costly data breach.

Data Protection and Breach Readiness Planning: This is one of OTA’s critical missions because of the negative impact and liability such occurrences can cause. They have developed a comprehensive guide to enhance data protection practices, and preparation for incidents before they occur;

  • ·         International Issues: The Internet is global which means that users, regardless of geographical boundaries must be able to trust sessions and interactions with others across the web. OTA is promoting partnerships with major stakeholders throughout the world;
  • ·         Privacy: Especially in the European Union, there is a greater focus on the control, collection, use and sharing of consumer data. The Online Trust Alliance is working to protect consumers in this regard;
  • ·         Education: The organization is developing programs to provide relevant and actionable advice and training to assist in protecting online brands, intellectual property, and those using the Internet;
  • ·         Public Policy: The OTA interfaces with industry, business, consumer groups and government to develop self-regulation, legislation, and best practices.

The article is available at:


My Opinion:

I am supportive for online marketing but I'm not so big fan of paying online. I can see that online marketing is very economic tool of being globally visible however, and in order of paying online the seller is inquiring about so many personal data that is not convenience for everyone. Online payments have no guaranteed of security if you are one time buyer or regular customer. I will propose to shop online but payments through wire-transfer or directly by internet banking in order of the highest fishing and fraud security tools that its available more for banking than online payment.

Financial relationship is always the most important task to satisfy own interest and your customers and inappropriate of this particular operation will indeed cost the business huge negative impact based on lack of trust. But on the other hand, big organization they do it correct through the online security programs that cause a huge invest but as well make a huge return on the invest.

My inquiry:

· Security online payment programs will develop to be 100% secure?
· Does all organizations and online business are willing to invest in such security programs? 

How to use the 7Ps of the Marketing Mix

How to use the 7Ps of the Marketing Mix?

The marketing mix is a familiar marketing strategy tool, which you will probably know, was traditionally limited to the core 4Ps of Product, Price, Place and Promotion. It is one of the top 3 marketing models according to a poll on Smart Insights.

The 7Ps model was devised by E. Jerome McCarthy and published in 1960 in his book Basic Marketing. A Managerial Approach.

The 4Ps were designed at a time where businesses sold products, rather than services and the role of customer service in helping brand development wasn’t so well know. Over time and Booms where additional 3 P's were added.

Participants, Physical evidence and Processes, and later Participants was renamed People. Today, it’s recommended that the full 7Ps of the marketing mix are considered when reviewing competitive strategies.

The 7Ps helps companies to review and define key issues that effect the marketing of its products and services and is often now referred to as the 7Ps framework for the digital marketing mix.

The article available at: 


My opinion:

I think the article is very supportive to the 7 Ps marketing mix and I believe that while the technology is growing and internet marketing taking advantage of ow to convince customers and building relationships as the P's will become more and more. There are always an opportunity to build the relationship through trust and honest that creates loyalty and demand.

My Inquiry:

Do we need to think that much online?

Do we need to educate consumers regarding our products?

My proposing:

P = Profit > Always target and motivating sellers. 

P = Plane it again > Alternatives should be part of the planning..

P = Prove it > Prove your service by it's quality.

P = Personalize > Recognition of the consumer's needs by special personal service, no one size fit all. 

P = Particular > Particular age segments will have particular care and  attention.

P = Participate > Participate at customer's events, birthdays and purchasing anniversary wishes via e-card or emails.  

I will be happy for your thoughts and participation

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Academic Blog

In business, it is common to use a blog as a means to communicate, engage and build loyalty with internal 

and external stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers). 

Dear all,

I believe that some of you already checked my blog, here is the purpose to create the blog, it is internet marketing class and the purpose is academic in order to practice and analyse from your valuable comments, experiences  and recommendations regarding internet marketing and the published articles.

You can agree and you can disagree with the article and if you have better idea it will be even beneficial for me to learn from it.

Thank you in advance for assisting with the project by sharing your thoughts and your knowledge of the subject.

Kind regards, 


Here is my first topic to share with you, it is regarding the elements of internet marketing, below is an article which is talking about the 10 Must-Have Elements Of Successful Online Marketing.

  1. Design Matters 
  2. Strategic Content 
  3. Give Things Away 
  4. Make It Simple 
  5. Teach Your Visitors 
  6. Nurture, Support and Encourage 
  7. SEO 
  8. Make Google Happy 
  9. Find Out What Works 
  10. Expand Your Circle Of Influence

My Opinion:

I can see the article is very supportive for the internet marketing if you are planning to launch new online business, if you are part of business organization and you want to promote your business in terms of visibility, product awareness, customers’ service and proper measurements of the website visitors in order to build demand and proper marketing strategy.

However, the other part of the opinion is people still thinks that the traditional marketing with physical materials, billboards and direct email are more effective with segments.

My inquiry:

  • What do you think about theses 10 super elements? 
  • Is it really the best that could exist?
  • Traditional marketing will be always available?

Please let me know your opinion and thoughts regarding the mentioned above.

Thank you